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Hire Stanford Engineers

Access a curated network of Stanford engineers matched to your open positions, for free.



Sign up in 1 minute by adding a point of contact.



We automatically gather your open positions from the internet.



We send you a candidate when there is a match.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Sign up in just 1 minute by adding your company information and a point of contact. We'll then automatically start gathering your open positions from the internet, and we will email you a candidate when there is a match. You can also use our portal to self-select Stanford engineers you want to be introduced to, subject to our approval to see if the person's interests match with your company.

Is there really no cost?

That's right, our service is completely free for companies, there is no catch.

Is there any commitment?

No, we just ask you to click Yes or No to our referrals when we email them to you, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Are your candidates recent grads?

No, our network includes both recent graduates and experienced Stanford engineers with various levels of industry experience.

How does the matching work?

We use AI to analyze your job requirements and match them with candidates' skills, experience, and preferences. When we find a strong match, we facilitate a connection.

What if we already use recruiters?

Our platform can complement your existing recruiting efforts. We provide access to Stanford talent that might not be actively looking to change jobs. Think of us as an additional source of top talent.

Talk to Us

We are a community of top Stanford engineers and leading companies. If you're part of either group, join us and be part of the conversation!